Thursday, July 25, 2013

No other Gods but God, the Three-in-One: Yahweh, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit!

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Please copy and paste the above link into your browser to read the article referred to in the following post.

The intent of the first amendment was NOT to separate the "state" from God! The "God" referenced in the Declaration of Independence is the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He has a personal name. It is "YHWH" [Yahweh]. He has a Son. His name is YESHUA [Jesus, who is the Messiah]. This is the God referenced in the pledge of allegiance. This is the God in Whom we trust. This is the God who created us with the "rights" catalogued in the Declaration of Independence. This is the God our early leaders worshipped. He is God ALONE. He has spoken without a stutter when He commanded His people NOT to have any other god besides Him. As an American and as a worshipper of YHWH, and a follower of His Son, Jesus, I am not only offended but also appalled at the action taken by this base commander. I applaud this chaplain, and others like him, who have the courage to minister the "Good Message" of life [the Gospel of everlasting life by grace alone, through faith alone, IN CHRIST ALONE!].  As my seminary professor, Dr. Howard Hendricks, used to say, "May his tribe increase!"